We Tested 44 of the Best Robot Vacuums, and These 12 Continue to Impress (2024)

We Tested 44 of the Best Robot Vacuums, and These 12 Continue to Impress (1)

Robot vacuums are just the latest example of modern technology making our lives easier. Leaving your vacuum cleaner unsupervised to clean your home saves you the time and energy of having to do the tedious task yourself. Using the latest technology, robot vacuums are very self-sufficient; some can map out your home, avoid stray objects, and suck up every crumb and strand of fur on your floors.

Coming Soon!

We are currently testing Dyson's new 360 Vis Nav Robot Vacuum and will update this story with our findings soon. If you can't wait to get your hands on it, it's available at Crate and Barrel ($1200) and Best Buy ($1200).

"There are many factors to consider when purchasing a robot vacuum, but what sets a robot vacuum apart is the software intelligence it utilizes," says Brent Hild, former director of product management at iRobot AI. According to Hild, these programmable machines can offer a personalized cleaning experience, which is designed to make your life easier when it comes to keeping your space tidy. "Software also enables various digital features in a robot's companion app, like scheduling, reports on cleaning results, maintenance suggestions, and more," Hild adds.

We've tested robot vacuums extensively over the last two years — both at home and in our testing lab. We let 44 robot vacuums loose to pick up crumbs, fur, and sand, and we evaluated each for setup, effectiveness, maneuverability, noise, and special features. We also tested Wi-Fi connectivity, mapping, and app features at home during long-term testing.

Below, find the best robot vacuums, according to PEOPLE Tested.


  • This product is one of the most affordable Roombas we tested.

  • It self-empties and is rather quiet while zipping around your home.

  • The super-strong suction lifts dirt, sand, and pet hair from both rugs and hardwood floors.

  • It maneuvered under tables, between chair legs, and around furniture with ease despite a lack of object-avoidance technology.

  • This product held up well over six months of home testing without breaking or other issues.


  • It did have issues picking up debris at the edge of the rug.

  • It tends to get hair stuck in the brush roll.

  • This does not have mapping technology, but we like that this also keeps the price low.

When you think of a robot vacuum, the first name that pops up may be Roomba vacuums — a highly popular model beloved for its ease of use and top-notch cleaning skills. The iRobot Roomba 694 Robot Vacuum earned a perfect five out of five stars for how simple it was to set up, its effectiveness on both rugs and hard floors, and its maneuverability.

It took us five minutes to set up this vacuum thanks to clear and easy instructions. We loved how well this little vacuum maneuvered around the space — it moves quickly, fitting between chair legs and under tables and other furniture. The robot vacuum handled the pet hair, human hair, and Cheerios extremely well and lifted an impressive amount of the sand from the testing floor.

It should be noted that while this vacuum had some trouble getting debris at the edge of the rug where it met the floor, the combined brush and vacuum technology got most dirt up on a first pass. The only inconvenience with this model is its lack of object avoidance technology. That's not a dealbreaker by any means but should be considered if you have small kids who leave items on the floor or pets who have accidents.

Overall, we believe this is an excellent value and a great robot vacuum for your day-to-day needs. It's not overly loud, is easy to empty after use, and has some smart technology such as voice control and app connections.

Works On: Hard floors, rugs, and carpets | Special Features: App control, voice control | Object Avoidance Tech: No | Mopping Capabilities: No | HEPA Filter: No | Good For: Pet fur, hair, crumbs, dirt

How It's Held Up

After six months, the quality has not changed a wink. It's a great way to maintain a general level of "clean" on your floor surfaces, though we think you should still run a regular vacuum cleaner once in a while for a more thorough cleaning. Considering the tester's apartment's unique layout, this vacuum does a mighty job navigating various corners and oddly shaped walls. It expertly picks up our long hair and all the dirt we bring in from the NYC streets (although some hair did tend to get stuck in the brush roll). The only thing they wished it had was mapping technology because it does often stray into areas and rooms they didn't want it to, but other than that, it's an efficient and durable robot vacuum.

  • We Tested 44 of the Best Robot Vacuums, and These 12 Continue to Impress (3)

  • We Tested 44 of the Best Robot Vacuums, and These 12 Continue to Impress (4)

  • We Tested 44 of the Best Robot Vacuums, and These 12 Continue to Impress (5)

  • We Tested 44 of the Best Robot Vacuums, and These 12 Continue to Impress (6)

  • We Tested 44 of the Best Robot Vacuums, and These 12 Continue to Impress (7)


  • It was easy to set up, as it took us less than five minutes.

  • It has great control over maneuverability, and despite no mapping capabilities, it scoots around furniture and other objects with expert efficiency.

  • This product includes a handy remote control to switch on various settings while you're seated on the couch or in another room.

  • It was quiet enough that we could hold a normal volume conversation over it.


  • This product had some trouble picking up Cheerios in corners.

  • It doesn't have many smart tech features and doesn't plan routes.

This budget-friendly robot vacuum was a favorite among our team because it moves around a space efficiently, picking up most dirt on carpets and hard floors along the way. We spent some time reading the manual, but after doing so, the setup took less than five minutes.

This model also comes with a handy remote control so you can change the settings while you lounge and watch your favorite TV show (work smarter, not harder!). It can navigate between carpet and hard floors with ease, avoiding most objects despite not having specific object avoidance technology. It scored well in noise level because our team could hold a clear conversation during testing even when the vacuum was close by.

We observed that this vacuum had trouble grabbing Cheerios from corners during testing, but that was the only hitch in its effectiveness. Though there aren't many smart tech features with this model, when considering its easy maintenance, cleaning abilities, and low price, we think this is a great value and would be a good starter robot vacuum.

Works On: Hard surfaces and carpet | Special Features: Remote control | Object Avoidance Tech: No | Mopping Capabilities: No | HEPA Filter: Yes | Good For: Pet hair, dirt, and other debris

How It's Held Up

Six months after using this robot vacuum in our tester's home, we can say that it's still highly efficient at picking up everyday messes, like stray kibble around the dog food container. They rarely had to empty the trash compartment even though it constantly sucked up debris and hair. It even picked up all the dog hair under the bed without issue. Though it doesn't plot routes, which could be a con for some folks, it does an excellent job cleaning the space it's in.

  • We Tested 44 of the Best Robot Vacuums, and These 12 Continue to Impress (9)

  • We Tested 44 of the Best Robot Vacuums, and These 12 Continue to Impress (10)

  • We Tested 44 of the Best Robot Vacuums, and These 12 Continue to Impress (11)


  • It has a self-emptying function, with two months of storage space in the debris bin.

  • This product works well on tile, wood, and multiple types of surfaces.

  • The setup took around six minutes after removing the packaging (including pairing with the app).

  • The mop feature has disposable pads for easy and hygienic use.

  • It has solid object avoidance, even around animals.


  • The air freshener component wasn't installed, so we had to do that.

This hybrid mop-vacuum combo (like a robot version of a wet-dry vacuum) proved an easy ally during setup, coming together in just six minutes (the manual is quite helpful, though). We did have to add the air freshener component ourselves (it was supposed to be installed already). As part of the initial clean, the Ecovacs vacuum creates a diagram of your living space while it does the first clean — this took about two hours.

While in motion, it picked up a ton of dog hair as well as scraps from a recent renovation. You can schedule the robot vacuum to map out your home and clean specific areas on a varied or consistent schedule, depending on your needs, whether once a week, during the work week, or on weekends.

We tried the mopping feature a few times, and the disposable pads were a nice touch. The TrueDetect 3D technology was our favorite part of this robot vacuum. It can avoid tables, walls, etc., by sensing the areas ahead of it. Our old vacuum used to bump into our dog (much to his chagrin), and this one doesn't. If he's lying in the hallway, the vacuum redirects around him.

It cleans twice a day and empties itself after each clean (unless it sucks up a big item that blocks the self-emptying feature). It's also super quiet; we can use it during the day while we work without it being a nuisance.

Works On: Hard floors and tile | Special Features: Floor mapping sensors, auto-emptying station | Object Avoidance Tech: Yes | Mopping Capabilities: Yes | HEPA Filter: No | Good For: crumbs, sticky messes, and other debris

How It's Held Up

The Ecovacs Deebot T9+ continued to impress us over six months of additional long-term testing. Most notably, the battery life remained just as strong as the day we opened the package. We did get an alert on the app three months into testing that notified us that the brush and filter were expiring, so we ordered those replacement parts at Amazon. We also noticed that while this robot vacuum does a great job handling dust and debris, it isn't the best vacuum we've tried for picking up large amounts of pet hair.

  • We Tested 44 of the Best Robot Vacuums, and These 12 Continue to Impress (13)

  • We Tested 44 of the Best Robot Vacuums, and These 12 Continue to Impress (14)

  • We Tested 44 of the Best Robot Vacuums, and These 12 Continue to Impress (15)


  • This product increases suction strength when larger messes are detected.

  • It is a voice-controlled vacuum.

  • It avoids furniture through smart navigation.


  • It did have difficulty moving from floor to rug.

  • It was missing its remote.

If you've ever dreamt of a robot vacuum that can clean your hardwood floors, tile, and more with the sound of your voice (this model's Alexa-approved), then you're in luck. The BoostIQ RoboVac 30C Max from Eufy is a powerhouse in a small frame (just over a foot in diameter) that automatically senses shifts in the floor by increasing suction strength when larger messes are detected.

This works fabulously on hard flooring, as the vacuum can sense where crumbs may be collecting in the grout in tile floors or pick up any debris lodged under bits of natural wood. We used this vacuum in a myriad of situations, evaluating its suction against scattered cereal, sand, hair, and more. We were amazed at how quick and effective this vacuum was in all scenarios and how easily it navigated obstacles like furniture.

Though we did notice that this model had a tough time moving from the rug to the floor (floor-change-induced suction, and all), we still felt that this robot vacuum cleaned our fibrous rug just as well as the floor. Despite this model not including its remote when the package was opened (not great, but not a direct hindrance to its cleaning power), we still had glowing reviews for this Eufy vacuum. Not that surprising, since the brand also makes one of the best cordless stick vacuums on the market.

Works On: Hard floors and carpets | Special Features: Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant voice-activated, remote control, BoostIQ suction | Object Avoidance Tech: Yes, boundary strips | Mopping Capabilities: No | HEPA Filter: No | Good For: Crumbs and other debris

  • We Tested 44 of the Best Robot Vacuums, and These 12 Continue to Impress (17)

  • We Tested 44 of the Best Robot Vacuums, and These 12 Continue to Impress (18)

  • We Tested 44 of the Best Robot Vacuums, and These 12 Continue to Impress (19)

The 7 Best Vacuums for Hardwood Floors of 2024, Tested and Reviewed


  • It has voice-activated controls for a user-friendly experience.

  • It easily moves from floor to carpet, which is unique among robot vacuums that are often too low to the ground to do this gracefully.

  • This product has object-avoidance technology.

  • It is solely powered by an app, rather than a remote.


  • This product is on the higher end price-wise.

  • It has some difficulty finding new rooms and spaces.

  • The features are less accessible if you don't use the app.

Sleek in design and accompanied by a complimentary iPhone app, the iRobot Roomba J7 vacuum is a model that vacuums and cleans carpets with ease (a feat that we've found to be quite rare with most of these vacuums).

The standout quality of the Roomba was the care it took to fully clean the carpet — going over spots multiple times to truly clean while also going against the perimeter of the room and traveling in a grid-like system so as not to miss any spots. We also appreciated how easy it was for this model to work on hard floors as well, and we loved how effortlessly this vacuum could pick up everything from dust to food and pet hair.

It can be hard to access all of the features that the Roomba provides without downloading the app (which not everyone may want to do), so that's something to keep in mind. One of the main features of this model is its object-avoidance technology, and we witnessed a few messes that would have been avoided if we had used the app.

We also suggest setting this vacuum in the room that you want it to clean, as it has some difficulty sensing new rooms and spaces. But once you have your room set, you're free to let it roam and can trust that you'll have a sparkling clean room afterward.

Works On: Hard floors and carpets | Special Features: iRoomba Genius app voice-activated, three-stage cleaning system, power-lifting suction | Object Avoidance Tech: Yes | Mopping Capabilities: No | HEPA Filter: Yes | Good For: Dirt, pet hair, and other debris

  • We Tested 44 of the Best Robot Vacuums, and These 12 Continue to Impress (21)

  • We Tested 44 of the Best Robot Vacuums, and These 12 Continue to Impress (22)


  • It is functional on tile, hardwood floors, and carpets.

  • The Dirtsense detection finds specific areas of debris.

  • It will self-clean and can also be scheduled to clean via an app.

  • This product is super quiet, as we could watch TV at a normal volume while running the vacuum.


  • The app is slightly confusing to set up.

  • It doesn't self-empty, so you have to remember to do it.

If we were to write a resume for this robot vacuum it would read: meticulous worker, adaptable to new environments, quiet presence, and handles its own messes. Though the accompanying app challenged us a bit, it was user-friendly once we were in. (Pro tip: the app has to be open during the setup duration.)

This little robot works on tile, hardwood, and carpets, making it versatile for many types of homes. It seemed to get everything on the floors such as dust, pet hair, and other debris. They scheduled the robot to run several times a week — which helped them prolong how often they had to deep clean their home — and noticed an immediate difference in cleanliness.

The machine mops and vacuums simultaneously, determining which surfaces need each type of cleaning. And during Freo mode (the Dirtsense feature) the robot cleans a spot until there's no dirt left rather than just one or two passes and then moving on. The app shows the progression of each cleaning session and highlights areas in different colors to show where the robot vacuumed versus mopped. It also has a self-drying feature so it won't leave your floors wet.

Overall, we were amazed by the capabilities of this robot vacuum, especially how quiet it is. This is one of the quietest robot vacuums we have ever been around — we were in the same room watching TV while the vacuum was running and could still watch at a normal volume level.

Works On: Hardwoods, tile, carpets | Special Features: Dirt detection, self-cleaning, scheduling, smart navigation, app | Object Avoidance Tech: Yes | Mopping Capabilities: Yes | HEPA Filter: Yes | Good For: Dirt, debris, and pet hair

How It's Held Up

After six months of use in our tester's home, the Narwal vacuum has become an invaluable resource. It is the go-to for easy maintenance between deep cleans. Our tester found it easy to use but added that one challenge is remembering to empty the machine and keep the water tank full. The mop feature has been especially helpful given that children and pets live in the home. Our tester scheduled it to run twice weekly and it has held up without issue.


  • You can schedule the vacuum to clean specific rooms while you're away.

  • It is a quiet device with good object detection, as it didn't run into any furniture during tests.

  • The mop combo also self-empties.

  • It works on carpets, hardwood, and tile floors.

  • The spot-cleaning feature removed dirt and mud.


  • It does have a challenging setup, though we figured it out eventually.

If you're in a home with multiple dogs or cats, you're no stranger to seeing dirt on the floors. PEOPLE was relieved to try out this model — since Shark vacuums have a good reputation — and gave it a perfect score for effectiveness. Though tricky to set up, we created a schedule for the vacuum to do its thing while we went to work, and we always came home to clean floors.

We used the robot vacuum on tile floors, but it also works well on carpet and hardwood flooring. We particularly loved the spot-cleaning feature as it picked up all the dirt and mud the dogs dragged in from the backyard in our tests. The mop works in tandem with the vacuum to clean the floors after debris is removed and uses minimal water so floors dry fast.

It's also a quiet device with solid object detection. During our tests, the vacuum didn't run into anything, highlighting its maneuverability around chairs and tables. The vacuum also self-empties, and the mop pads are reusable and washable which is an added (and sustainable) bonus.

Works On: Tile, hardwoods, carpet | Special Features: Spot cleaning, scheduling, app, self-emptying | Object Avoidance Tech: Yes | Mopping Capabilities: Yes | HEPA Filter: Yes | Good For: Dirt, grass, pet hair, and other debris

  • We Tested 44 of the Best Robot Vacuums, and These 12 Continue to Impress (25)

  • We Tested 44 of the Best Robot Vacuums, and These 12 Continue to Impress (26)

  • We Tested 44 of the Best Robot Vacuums, and These 12 Continue to Impress (27)


  • It has a comprehensive app where you can change cleaning modes, set schedules, and see the vacuum's navigation.

  • It picked up all hair, dust, and debris during testing.

  • This product has a user-friendly setup.

  • It works on all floor types and navigates furniture with ease.


  • It has a hard time navigating rugs.

Our teammate had never used a robot vacuum until they tried the Miele, and they absolutely loved the experience. The vacuum works on all floor types and can maneuver around your home with ease. We were pleasantly surprised with the simple setup and appreciated how intuitive the app was for a first-time user.

In the app, you can change the cleaning modes, set schedules, see a map of your floor area that the vacuum covers, and send it back to the charging station with a simple tap on your phone screen. To schedule, you can set the day and time you want the vacuum to clean, which was a dream for us during at-home testing.

The Miele vacuum picked up hair, dust, and debris with ease — in fact, there wasn't anything it didn't pick up in our tests. The machine skirted around the low furniture and navigated the space well. We cheered out loud when it went under the couch because it's hard to move and is often overlooked on cleaning day. The vacuum struggled a little with rugs, but overall, we were impressed.

Works On: Hardwood floors, carpets, tile | Special Features: Comprehensive app, scheduling | Object Avoidance Tech: Yes | Mopping Capabilities: No | HEPA Filter: Yes | Good For: Dirt, hair, and debris


  • Everything is controlled with the ease of a single app, and setup is quick.

  • It picks up an impressive amount of pet fur and other debris.

  • It creates targeted cleaning zones of general areas, which you can also schedule.


  • It can get lost sometimes when trying to find the docking station.

  • It's not great for spot cleaning because it doesn't have precision technology.

Pet owners constantly face tumbleweeds of pet fur rolling around their homes, so if you don't want your living room looking like the set of an old western movie, we suggest investing in a pet hair vacuum. The Neato robot vacuum comes with a quick start guide, which helps with assembly — but you have to download the app in order to use the vacuum (all control features are linked to the app).

During the three months, our two testers used the robot vacuum at home, they found it completely user-friendly. The setup took no time at all and just involved plugging in the charging station and docking the vacuum. Plus, the app only has a few steps to get you started and then it creates a map of your space after the vacuum's first cleaning.

One tester, in particular, appreciated the functionality and how the vacuum creates targeted cleaning zones. They used it daily to clean their apartment and were impressed with the amount of cat hair and litter it picked up. The only hiccup? It's hard to spot clean spills because it doesn't have a cleaning feature you can set for a precise spot, and it also gets turned around sometimes, but usually finds its way home to the docking station.

Works On: All floor types | Special Features: App controls, targeted cleaning zones, scheduling | Object Avoidance Tech: No | Mopping Capabilities: No | HEPA Filter: Yes | Good For: Pet hair, dirt, dust, and debris


  • This product works on all floor types: wood, tile, and carpet.

  • It provides a thorough cleaning between the mop and vacuum capabilities.

  • It is self-cleaning, emptying, and drying.

  • The app notifies you when the vacuum needs any maintenance or updates.

  • It has multiple cleaning modes (with loud and quiet options).


  • With poor WiFi connections, the programming setup takes some time.

  • You have to change the dirty water tank biweekly or monthly if you use the mop feature.

This is a lot to spend on a vacuum cleaner, but after trying this self-emptying robot vacuum in our day-to-day routine at home, we believe the quality matches the investment. We used this robot vacuum in every room and on every type of flooring — tile, rugs, and wood floors. It cleaned everything from general dust and debris to food messes and spills. We also utilized the mopping capabilities, and they were highly effective at cleaning up small spills.

In terms of setup, getting the robot vacuum up and running took four minutes (with an additional 10 to set up the programs like scheduling cleanings, etc.). That said, during setup, if your Wi-Fi signal isn't strong, the process will fail a few times before it actually syncs. We used this vacuum daily over a month-long testing period and loved that it kept our apartment dust-free during allergy season. There are several cleaning modes, such as deep cleaning mode (which is quite loud, but effective) and light cleaning mode (which is quieter and you can hold a conversation over).

You can set it to clean just one room or zone at a time if you prefer. For example, you could schedule it to clean the kitchen after mealtime so it can immediately grab any stray crumbs or scraps. With regards to maneuverability, this robot vacuum is quite nimble and fits under the couch with ease, though it did bump into our glass table a couple of times. The floor is noticeably wet after the mop mode but squeaky clean

After cleaning, it empties all debris into a bag. The mop feature also empties any excess water after every three cleanings into a container that you can pour into a sink; plus the app tells you when it's ready to empty. Given how time-saving and effective this robot vacuum is, we think the price is valid.

Works On: Hard floors and carpet | Special Features: App, self-emptying, multiple cleaning modes | Object Avoidance Tech: Yes | Mopping Capabilities: Yes | HEPA Filter: Yes | Good For: Pet hair, dirt, dust, and debris

How It's Held Up

Our tester is absolutely in love with this vacuum. After three months of use, she still hasn't needed to empty the dustbin after weekly use. “It is no longer an addition, this is a staple product for me. It is my main cleaning routine and I could not be happier about it," she raved. The vacuum has multiple modes to target specific areas that need service and as a bonus: There's also a mop feature. That said, the dirty water tank has to be changed every other week or once a month (depending on the frequency of use). It was easy to set up, easy to use, and more than earned its spot on this list.

  • We Tested 44 of the Best Robot Vacuums, and These 12 Continue to Impress (31)

  • We Tested 44 of the Best Robot Vacuums, and These 12 Continue to Impress (32)

  • We Tested 44 of the Best Robot Vacuums, and These 12 Continue to Impress (33)


  • This product empties all debris by itself at the docking station after the cartridge is full.

  • It resiliently went over the same spot several times to get all the dirt up.

  • It has object-avoidance technology to help navigate around various furniture.


  • The price is steeper than most others on the list.

  • It has to be self-emptied once or more during each cleaning.

It's not fun to empty the dustbin after each use, which makes the self-emptying Ecovacs Deebot T10 Plus a huge help around the house, thanks to its low-maintenance design. When the cartridge is full, the vacuum automatically returns to its docking station to eject the debris into a hypoallergenic dust bag that automatically closes to prevent dust or other particles from getting into the air.

We appreciated the inclusion of a mop on the inside of the machine, which cleans stains on the floor as it sweeps up dirt and dust. It was also noted that the vacuum comes with small air filter pods that can release clean fragrances into the air as it cleans.

This model effectively vacuumed almost everything it was tested against, be it cereal, sand, or hair. It's also super resilient, approaching bumps on the floor by trying to go over them twice and then attempting to move over them from an angle, braving whatever obstacle was in its way.

Though the price for this model is a bit high, we did think the quality was worth the splurge thanks to its great results and self-emptying capabilities. For the ease and effective cleaning that comes with this robot vacuum, we can understand why this model is well worth the price.

Works On: Hard floors and carpets | Special Features: Oscillating sonic mopping system, self-emptying, hypoallergenic dust bag, front-facing camera | Object Avoidance Tech: Yes | Mopping Capabilities: Yes | HEPA Filter: No | Good For: Dirt, pet hair, and other debris

How It's Held Up

At home, our tester runs this Ecovacs vacuum weekly with the mop function, and it has held up well over six months (and they've basically stopped using their upright vacuum and Swiffer ever since). They noticed it empties once a cleaning (and they live in a small apartment), so it might require several empties if it were cleaning a larger house. They also observed that it has a hard time with rugs but were pleasantly surprised after several months because once it learned the mapping of the apartment, it worked much better than when they first got it. The Ecovacs vacuum picks everything up and leaves the space quite clean every time.

  • We Tested 44 of the Best Robot Vacuums, and These 12 Continue to Impress (35)

  • We Tested 44 of the Best Robot Vacuums, and These 12 Continue to Impress (36)


  • It grabs dirt, hair, and dust from all floor types: hardwoods, carpets, and tile.

  • It's easy to change the cleaning modes and times via the app.

  • It offers decent object-avoidance technology; it can maneuver around and under furniture.


  • The app had a tough time connecting to the device without a strong Wi-Fi connection.

  • Some hair got tangled in the rollers but came out with a tool easily.

We love Black+Decker's dustbusters, so we were pumped when they released a robot vacuum. We used this vacuum all over our apartment and loved how well it worked. The setup took about four minutes; we just had to plug in the charging dock, turn on the robot vacuum, and let it fully charge before using it. However, the app had a hard time connecting to the device (which we suspect was a Wi-Fi issue). Once in the app, you can schedule cleanings or choose a cleaning based on the modes you programmed.

During testing, this vacuum was highly effective at lifting dust, pet hair, stray crumbs, and dirt. It goes over the same spots a few times and gets everything up; we didn't see any debris once it was finished. This robot vacuum is versatile on hard floors and rugs, and it reduces the time you spend cleaning since it works independently. It's not the quietest vacuum, but it's comparable to other standard vacuums.

The scheduled cleanings were easy to change; you can control the cleaning time and mode (smart, following the wall, and spiral). The app will also notify you when the cleaning has begun, but it doesn't tell you when it needs to be emptied, so we did that once a week. Some hair got tangled in the rollers, but it was easy to get out with an included tool. This Black+Decker robot vacuum has decent object-avoidance technology — it got stuck once in the bathroom, but other than that, it maneuvered around and under furniture with ease. Overall, we think this robot vacuum is a great value, given its qualities and price.

Works On: Hard floors and carpet | Special Features: HEPA filtration, smart charging, multiple cleaning modes, stairs sensors | Object Avoidance Tech: Yes | Mopping Capabilities: No | Good For: Dirt, pet hair, sand, crumbs, and more

How It's Held Up

After six months, we still love the RoboSeries vacuum from Black+Decker and continue to use it every day to pick up dirt and debris. We've found that the robot vacuum significantly reduces the amount of time we spend cleaning, which is a huge win in our book. The only issue we've had with it is that the brush sometimes falls off, but it's easy for us to clip it back on when that happens. Otherwise, the battery life and performance have remained consistent, and we rarely need to use a traditional vacuum anymore thanks to this automatic robot.

  • We Tested 44 of the Best Robot Vacuums, and These 12 Continue to Impress (38)

  • We Tested 44 of the Best Robot Vacuums, and These 12 Continue to Impress (39)

  • We Tested 44 of the Best Robot Vacuums, and These 12 Continue to Impress (40)

  • We Tested 44 of the Best Robot Vacuums, and These 12 Continue to Impress (41)

Things to Consider Before Buying a Robot Vacuum


Since one of the perks of robot vacuums is their ability to be left unsupervised, you'll want to make sure you choose a model with plenty of maneuverability. Home mapping technology can help because it lets the vacuum know where there are stairs and other hazards, as well as detecting where furniture is. You'll also want to consider whether the vacuum can easily maneuver between rugs, carpets, and hard floors.

Object-Avoidance Technology

One benefit of certain robot vacuums is object-avoidance technology. These vacuums are equipped with sensors (sometimes cameras) to help avoid things like kids' toys, socks, and pet messes that you don't want to spread around your house. Models like the Shark 2-in-1 Robot Vacuum and Mop are specifically designed to maneuver their way around items on the floor, like cords or toys, thanks to their object-avoidance technology. Another vacuum on our list with excellent object avoidance technology is the iRobot Roomba J7 vacuum. This design feature can help save kid and pet toys that get left on the floor while helping avoid confusion for your robot vacuum.

Special Features

Robot vacuums like a Roomba, a Shark, or another brand can be pricey, so you want to make sure you're getting the most bang for your buck. Some special features to look for include home mapping, self-parking in the dock, and self-emptying — which the Ecovacs Deebot T10 Plus has. The self-emptying vacuums do have a base that takes up more room, however, the convenience they provide is worth it. Other features include voice control and app integration where you can control the vacuum from your smartphone or other smart device. If you would rather not use an app, some robot vacuums have an included remote. Most apps also allow you to schedule cleanings while you aren't home, so the vacuum can do its thing while you're out, and when you return, your home is spick and span.


As stated before, another aspect to consider is the price of your robot vacuum. Often these small but mighty machines will range anywhere from $300 to $900, with the extremes on this list starting at just under $120, like the ILIFE V3s Pro Robot Vacuum Cleaner, and stretching to the Roborock S8 Pro Ultra, which retails at $1,599.99. While higher prices typically indicate higher quality and more special features, there's plenty of bang for your buck in the vacuums closer to $100 as well.

We Tested 44 of the Best Robot Vacuums, and These 12 Continue to Impress (42)

How We Tested Robot Vacuums

For the past two years, our team has evaluated 44 robot vacuums in the lab and at home. We scored them on ease of setup, effectiveness, noise level, features, maneuverability, ease of emptying, and overall value.

  • Ease of Setup: During the lab test, we read the instructions, timed how long each vacuum took to set up, and got to work testing the capabilities of each model.
  • Effectiveness: In a small contained area, we set the robot vacuums free to munch on various debris (Cheerios! fur! sand!) and considered the effectiveness of each. For hybrid models with mopping capabilities, we also tested these components by pouring coffee and sticky syrup on the floor to see how well the mop functions lifted these substances. We ran each vacuum/mop hybrid for two minutes and looked at how many times the device went over the mess and whether or not there was leftover residue.
  • Noise Level: We took the vacuums home to test the noise level, monitoring if we could hold a normal conversation and hear the TV at a normal level while it was on.
  • Maneuverability: We evaluated special features, like smart mapping and object avoidance, when applicable and took note of how well the vacuums maneuvered around the space.
  • Ease of Emptying: Lastly, we emptied each vacuum to see how messy or simple that process was.
  • Long-Term Testing: We had a couple of hiccups during lab testing with Wi-Fi and noise, so we took the robot vacuums home to assess ease of connectivity, mapping, app use, noise level, and everyday, long-term performance.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Should I buy a robot vacuum or a regular vacuum?

    The choice ultimately depends on the type of flooring that you have, the number of obstacles in your home, and how you prefer to clean. Robot vacuums are great for maintaining dust-free floors, especially in homes with hard flooring or low-pile carpets and in rooms with minimal clutter. Unlike regular vacuums, robot vacuums are also great for maneuvering under low tables and sofas. Because they are not as powerful as regular upright vacuums, robot vacuums are not as effective for deep cleaning and extra thick carpets.

  • What's the best robot vacuum?

    Our top pick is the iRobot Roomba 694 Robot Vacuum because of its effectiveness at picking up debris during our tests, its versatility (as it can be used across different surfaces), and its relatively affordable price point compared to similar models of its capabilities.

  • Can robot vacuums go over carpeting?

    While robot vacuums can go over carpeting, the deeper the carpet, the more suction power is required for the robot vacuum to clean effectively. A robot vacuum will spend more time going over carpeting than other types of flooring. If your flooring is primarily carpeted, look for a robot vacuum that is specifically intended for use on carpeted floors, as some we tested proved more effective on hardwood floors versus carpet. Our top pick for use on carpeted floors is the iRobot Roomba J7.

  • Do robot vacuums empty themselves?

    Some robot vacuums include a self-emptying feature and models that include this convenience tend to be more expensive. When a self-emptying robot vacuum returns to its home base after cleaning, it will automatically empty its dustbin. Base dust containers can hold about 30 to 60 days of dust and debris before they need to be emptied. The Ecovacs Deebot T10 Plus was our favorite vacuum with a self-emptying feature.

  • Will a robot vacuum fall down the stairs?

    Ledge detection sensors on robot vacuums prevent them from falling down stairs. It's all part of the navigation system and numerous sensors are built into robot vacuums that allow them to avoid furniture and other obstacles.

Why Trust PEOPLE?

Madison Yauger is a senior commerce writer for PEOPLE who's tested hundreds of lifestyle products across all categories. Alyssa Brascia is a commerce writer for PEOPLE, covering beauty, fashion, home, and lifestyle products. In our lab, we ran tests using Cheerios, fur, and dirt to see how well these vacuums picked up each type of debris. We continued using these vacuums for up to six months in our homes to compare real-world results. This story was recently updated by commerce writer Cai Cramer, with fresh insights and new product picks based on our long-term testing.

Meet Our Expert

Brent Hild, former Director of Product Management at iRobot AI, used insights from our lab tests to help determine the best robot vacuums of 2024.

What Is PEOPLE Tested?

We created the PEOPLE Tested seal of approval to help you find the very best products for your life. We use our unique methodology to test products in three labs across the country and with our network of home testers to determine their effectiveness, durability, ease of use, and so much more. Based on the results, we rate and recommend products so you can find the right one for your needs.

But we don't stop there: We also regularly re-review the categories in which we've awarded the PEOPLE Tested seal of approval — because the best product of today might not be the best of tomorrow. And by the way, companies can never buy our recommendation: Their products must earn it, fair and square.

In short, PEOPLE Tested provides recommendations you can trust — every day, every purchase.

We Tested 44 of the Best Robot Vacuums, and These 12 Continue to Impress (2024)


What is the number 1 robot vacuum? ›

If money is no object and you want a robot vacuum and mop that requires very little help on your part, the Dreame X30 Ultra is a top pick. The Ecovacs Deebot X2 Omni lacks the automatic mop removal and washboard cleaning features you get with the X30 Ultra, but costs less and cleaned slightly better in our tests.

What is the best self-emptying robot vacuum and mop 2024? ›

The L20 and X30 are the best of the new breed of self-cleaning, self-emptying robot vacuums. These have charging docks that not only empty the robot's onboard bins but also drain and refill the mop's water tank. Unlike the Roomba j9 Combo Plus, they can also clean and dry the mop pads with hot air.

Why not to buy a robot vacuum? ›

Since they're smaller than regular vacuums, robot vacuums can't hold as much dust and debris and must be emptied regularly. “Due to their compact size, robot vacuums typically have smaller dustbins, meaning they may need more frequent emptying, especially in homes with pets or high traffic,” Rubin says.

Which robot vacuum has the best suction? ›

As the top-of-the-line Roomba model, the s9+ has some standout features that bring it to number one on this list, first of which is its exceptional suction strength. iRobot says that it has 40 times the strength of the base Roomba model, the 600 series, a considerable step up from other models.

Is Shark better than Roomba? ›

Final Verdict. The Shark is a more budget-friendly, bagless option, but the Roomba j7+ is the clear winner here. Its obstacle avoidance technology is hard to beat, and a self-emptying feature means you can pretty much forget about maintenance for up to 60 days.

What is the highest rated robot vacuum and mop? ›

The best robot vacuum and mop

Roomba's J9+ combo is the best hybrid vacuum and mop we've tested. Mapping is accurate and coverage is thorough, with no streaks left behind after drying. As a vacuum, it scored an overall pick up rate of 93% in our tests, plus it raises the mop overhead automatically on carpet.

Are self-emptying robot vacuums worth the money? ›

You're less likely to reintroduce debris if you go with a self-emptying bot. It's even more valuable if you live in a large house with a lot of floor space to cover. The robot vacuum will clean more efficiently, and you won't have to empty it multiple times per run.

Who makes the best floor cleaning robot? ›

The Best Robot Vacuums to Keep Your Home Clean
  • Best Overall. Roborock Q5 Pro+ Read more. $700 $480 at Amazon.
  • The Best Affordable Vacuum Mop. Eufy X10 Pro Omni. Read more. $800 at Amazon.
  • Another Good Vacuum Mop. Dreame X30 Ultra. Read more. $1,700 at Amazon.
  • The Best Entry-Level Vacuum. TP-Link Tapo RV30C Plus. Read more.
Apr 27, 2024

Is robot vacuum and mop worth it? ›

Robotic vacuums and mops not only improve cleanliness but also promote hygiene and health. Apart from sucking up dirt and debris with powerful suction, they mop around, capturing fine particles that often trigger allergies, and then securely lock them away.

What is the lifespan of a robot vacuum? ›

5. Robotic Vacuums: With advancing technology, robotic vacuums have a varying lifespan of 4 to 6 years. Regular updates and maintenance can extend their usability.

Which robot vacuum requires least maintenance? ›

If you want to upgrade from a basic robot vacuum to one with self-emptying abilities, the Shark IQ Robot XL is an excellent choice. Thanks to its bagless self-emptying system and self-cleaning brushroll, it's one of the lowest-maintenance models we've tested.

Is it worth buying a cheap robot vacuum? ›

The next weakness of cheaper vacuum robot models is that they sometimes have low suction power, making them less effective at sucking up larger debris and dirt. Insufficient suction can also make it hard to really lift dust, hair and crumbs off surfaces that aren't flat, such as carpets.

How do I know which robot vacuum to buy? ›

When shopping for a smart vacuum, consider its battery life, suction power, navigation technology, cleaning modes, filter system, noise level, ease of maintenance, smart features, and mopping capability. It is also important to consider the brand reputation.

What is the best 2 in 1 robot vacuum? ›

The Dreame X30 Ultra is the best two-in-one robot vacuum and mop I've tested to date, and I have had my hands on dozens of robot vacuums. The 8,300Pa suction, dual oscillating mop heads, MopExtend cleaning capability, and hands-free docking station make this a standout machine.

Which vacuum cleaner has the highest suction power? ›

Best Vacuum Cleaners with Powerful Suction
  1. eufy X10 Pro Omni. Eufy X10 Pro Omni is a paradigm shift in cleaning technology. ...
  2. X8 Pro Robotic Vacuum. ...
  3. Dyson Ball Animal 2. ...
  4. Shark Navigator Lift-Away Professional NV356E. ...
  5. Miele Complete C3 Marin. ...
  6. Hoover WindTunnel T-Series Bagged Upright Vacuum.
Dec 13, 2023

What is the best robot right now? ›

The 15 best robots and AI tech we saw at CES 2024
  1. Motion Pillow. Sabrina Ortiz/ZDNET. ...
  2. Bmind Smart Mirror. Sabrina Ortiz/ZDNET. ...
  3. Minitailz Smart Dog Collar. Sabrina Ortiz/ZDNET. ...
  4. Yarbo Multi-Purpose Intelligent Yard Robot. Jason Hiner/ZDNET. ...
  5. Wim. Sabrina Ortiz/ZDNET. ...
  6. Holobox. ...
  7. Ecovacs Deebot X2 Combo robot + stick vacuum. ...
  8. Nimble Beauty.
Jan 12, 2024

Which is the most popular robot in the world? ›

1. Sophia. Arguably the most famous AI robot is Sophia.

Are robot vacuums really worth it? ›

Robot vacuums can be better than standard vacs at cleaning hard-to-reach spots such as under the bed or sofa. This makes them useful for people who have mobility issues or if you just don't want to spend your time lifting or moving heavy furniture to clean the floor underneath.


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Name: Duane Harber

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.